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(#169) "РасчлENение покемона"
team game,
25.08.2024 / 22:00:00
Zone: Quest
Author: СвердLove
Participation: 150 zł
Crazy Diamond ( id 23484)
Points: 111.13 / Junior lieutenant / Junior lieutenant
Residence permit: (Russian Federation, Primorskiy Kray, Vladivostok)
Status: in team Деревенский челлендж
Registration date: 25 January 2007
Rating (?) Games Title
Quest 2.27 list (1) The best author's real game:
#4/2091 За грибами (после дождичка в четверг) QI: 7.7
Brainstorm 2.48 list (2) The best author's brainstorm game:
#108/22333 EN Турнир "Зима 2010" QI: 8.41
4/29/2024 12:18:27 PM
(UTC +2)
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