Game scenario (#31/14328) "Zawodowcy" (
Pass to a level:  #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10, #11, #12
Level #1
Task for all

The prompt #1 for all (2 minutes)

The prompt #2 for all (4 minutes)

The prompt #3 for all (6 minutes)
wprowadź kod: dentysta

EN dentysta - for all
ENdentysta - for all
dentysta - for all
EN stomatolog - for all
ENstomatolog - for all
stomatolog - for all

Level #2
Task for all

The prompt #1 for all (2 minutes)

The prompt #2 for all (4 minutes)

The prompt #3 for all (6 minutes)
Wprowadź kod: florysta

EN florysta - for all
ENflorysta - for all
florysta - for all
EN bukieciarz - for all
ENbukieciarz - for all
bukieciarz - for all

Level #3
Task for all

The prompt #1 for all (2 minutes)

The prompt #2 for all (4 minutes)

The prompt #3 for all (6 minutes)
wprowadź kod: elektryk

EN elektryk - for all
ENelektryk - for all
elektryk - for all

Level #4
Task for all

The prompt #1 for all (2 minutes)

The prompt #2 for all (4 minutes)

The prompt #3 for all (6 minutes)
Wprowadź kod: fotograf

EN fotograf - for all
ENfotograf - for all
fotograf - for all

Level #5
Task for all

The prompt #1 for all (2 minutes)

The prompt #2 for all (4 minutes)

The prompt #3 for all (6 minutes)
wprowadź kod: hycel

EN hycel - for all
ENhycel - for all
hycel - for all

Level #6
Task for all

The prompt #1 for all (2 minutes)

The prompt #2 for all (4 minutes)

The prompt #3 for all (6 minutes)
Wprowadz kod: kolejarz

EN kolejarz - for all
ENkolejarz - for all
kolejarz - for all

Level #7
Task for all

The prompt #1 for all (2 minutes)

The prompt #2 for all (4 minutes)

The prompt #3 for all (6 minutes)
wprowadź kod: hydraulik

EN hydraulik - for all
ENhydraulik - for all
hydraulik - for all

Level #8
Task for all

The prompt #1 for all (2 minutes)

The prompt #2 for all (4 minutes)

The prompt #3 for all (6 minutes)
Wprowadź kod: nurek

EN nurek - for all
ENnurek - for all
nurek - for all

Level #9
Task for all

The prompt #1 for all (2 minutes)

The prompt #2 for all (4 minutes)

The prompt #3 for all (6 minutes)
wprowadź kod: ludwisarz

EN ludwisarz - for all
ENludwisarz - for all
ludwisarz - for all

Level #10
Task for all

The prompt #1 for all (2 minutes)

The prompt #2 for all (4 minutes)

The prompt #3 for all (6 minutes)
wprowadź kod: wulkanizator

EN wulkanizator - for all
ENwulkanizator - for all
wulkanizator - for all

Level #11
Task for all

The prompt #1 for all (2 minutes)

The prompt #2 for all (4 minutes)

The prompt #3 for all (6 minutes)
wprowadź kod: organista

EN organista - for all
ENorganista - for all
organista - for all

Level #12
Task for all

The prompt #1 for all (2 minutes)

The prompt #2 for all (4 minutes)

The prompt #3 for all (6 minutes)
wprowadź kod: taksowkarz

EN taksowkarz - for all
ENtaksowkarz - for all
taksowkarz - for all